Together with the telescoping inlet and the standing floor sweep, the standard package cleans up grain within a 49’ radius from the base of the machine.
When you need to reach beyond that distance, you need options that suit your set-up. To achieve best capacity at any distance, cover as much as you can with straight or smooth pieces like aluminum pipes and elbows, and then add flexible portions like the stainless-steel flex hoses and the Bendahose where needed.
Also see Ball Joints to add 40 degrees of rotation to your hose set-up.
The best option for moving grain over any distance.
Provides the least resistance and allows your system to maintain optimum performance.
Specifically designed to give you that extra little reach you always wanted along with flexibility.
Stainless Steel Flex hoses provide some flexibility while keeping your capacity high. A must-have for expanding your reach any significant distance.
Your most durable clean-up hose, with a little more weight and less flexibility than the urethane options.
Durathane hose is the best option when maximum flexibility is required over short areas. Durathane offers the most flexibility but is the least durable.
Steel elbows get you around corners without compromising your soft hoses, allowing material to flow as smoothly and quickly as possible. Use them with hoses to extend handling reach or to redirect exhaust.
8" 45° elbow kit - PART NUMBER: 55-112771
7" 45° elbow kit - PART NUMBER: 38-107211
8" 45° exhaust elbow - PART NUMBER: 55-111121
8" 90° elbow kit - PART NUMBER: 55-112729
8" 90° exhaust elbow - PART NUMBER: 55-111206
7" 90° elbow kit - PART NUMBER: 38-107210
8" x 11" exhaust adapter - PART NUMBER: 55-111207
Don’t be limited by your hose diameter. Transition to suit yourself between 4, 6, 7 and 8 inch sizes.
Clamps work best when sitting on top - not dragging beneath the hoses.